
- Zloblinsky N, Mishra, and Lysko AA, “Spectrum Sensing and SINR Estimation in IEEE 802.11s Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks with Heterogeneous Interference”, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, April 2024. (IF: 10.4)
- Baghel A, Parihar AS, Bhatia V, Choi K and Mishra AK, “On Joint Impact of HPA Non-Linearity and Imperfect SIC in NOMA Enabled HCN Using Stochastic Geometry”, IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, January 2024.(IF: 6.8)
- Bisen S, Jose J, Bhatia V, Mishra AK and Choi K, “Hybrid Backscatter NOMA Under Imperfect CSI and Hardware Impairment”, IEEE Communication Letters, September 2023. (IF: 4.1)
- Molope M, and Mishra AK, “Design of a Low-Cost and Configurable Radar for Border Security”, IEEE AES Magazine, March 2023. (IF: 2.9)
- Maurya H, Bhattacharya A, Mishra AK, and Panigrahi R, “Hybrid Three-Component Scattering Power Characterization from Polarimetric SAR Data Isolating Dominant Scattering Mechanisms”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, October 2022. (IF: 8.12)
- Juryca K, Pedantic J, Mishra AK, Moric Z, and Sedivy P, “Wind Turbine Micro-Doppler Prediction using Unscented Kalman Filter”, IEEE Access, 2022 (Early Access; IF: 3.36)
- Mafukidze HD, Mishra AK, Pedantic J and Francois WPS, “Scattering Centers to Point Clouds: A Review of mmWave Radars for Non-Radar-Engineers”, IEEE Access, 2022 (Early Access; IF: 3.36)
- Natasha Zlobinsky, David L Johnson, Amit K Mishra, and Albert A Lysko, “Comparison of metaheuristic algorithms for interface-constrained channel assignment in a hybrid Dynamic Spectrum Access – Wi-Fi infrastructure WMN”, IEEE Access, (March-2022; ISI IF: 3.36)
- Singh UK, Mitra R, Bhatia V, and Mishra AK, “Kernel Minimum Error Entropy-Based Estimator for MIMO Radar in Non-Gaussian Clutter”, IEEE Access, (Sept-2021; ISI IF: 3.36)
- Clarke S, Morris W, Perdikis N, “Economic Impact Assessment of the National Spectrum Centre“, Aberystwyth University, August 2020.