
Engaging with industry, government and other partners to address challenges from a radio spectrum axis is key to the National Spectrum Centre’s vision. Indeed, the project stems from close collaboration and engagement with industry partners, responding to identified needs at a time of rapid technological change. The Welsh Government provided funding to refurbish the University’s Lord Milford building at Gogerddan as a central hub for the Centre. The project also aligns with regional, Welsh and UK government priorities in terms of harnessing innovation to drive economic growth.


The NSC Triangle

The Centre’s activity is structured under three areas and we will work with key delivery partners for each area as well as a range of other industry partners.

  • Spectrum for Sustainability (S4S)
  • Spectrum for Space and Surveillance (S4S2)
  • Spectrum for Material, Mobility, Manufacturing and Marine (S4M4)
National Spectrum Centre triangle

Another key area of collaboration is developing the NSC project within the Mid Wales Growth Deal.

Set within the broader vision for Growing Mid Wales, the Mid Wales Growth Deal is a long-term investment providing capital funding to support regionally significant economic infrastructure that drives private sector investment and stimulates growth.

Led by Ceredigion and Powys County Councils, the Growth Deal is supported by a combined commitment of £110m from UK and Welsh Governments to leverage further public and private investment. It aims to create long term jobs and increase productivity, playing a key role in catalysing economic recovery and growth across the region.

In November 2022, it was announced the NSC had been given approval to proceed to the second stage of the multi-million-pound Mid Wales Growth Deal and an outline business case was submitted in November 2023.

The NSC is one of several major projects currently shortlisted for consideration for Growth Deal funding. Final decisions on the award of funding will be made following the third stage of the business case development process.

Expression of interest