
Engaging with industry, government and other partners to address challenges from a radio spectrum axis is key to the National Spectrum Centre’s vision. Indeed, the project stems from close collaboration and engagement with industry partners, responding to identified needs at a time of rapid technological change. The Welsh Government provided funding to refurbish the University’s Lord Milford building at Gogerddan as a central hub for the Centre. The project also aligns with regional, Welsh and UK government priorities in terms of harnessing innovation to drive economic growth.


The NSC Triangle

The Centre’s activity is structured under three areas and we will work with key delivery partners for each area as well as a range of other industry partners.

  • Spectrum for Sustainability (S4S)
  • Spectrum for Space and Security (S4S2)
  • Spectrum for Material, Mobility, Manufacturing and Marine (S4M4)
NSC Triangle

Expression of interest